Alfredo Caballero
1958, Habana, Cuba.
1966, citizenship in Nicaragua.
1982. Master of Fine Arts (Painting) University of Wisconsin (Madison).
1982-92. Lives in New York city, USA.
1992- present, Lives and Works in Managua, Nicaragua.
Selected Exhibitions:
Land of Tempest, 1994-96, Art from Central America, Travelling show,
Preston Museum of Art, United Kingdom.
1999, Alfredo Caballero, Gary Nader Fine Arts, Miami, Florida, USA.
1999-2005 Latin America Contemporary Art, Gary Nader Fine Arts, Miami. Florida. USA.
2016, Foundin member of Macula, Autonomous Zone,
experimentatión, sound , performance, poetry, Gallery Space,
editión y produtión of Zeta magazine.
2016, X Bienal de Arte, Fundacion Ortiz Gurdian (FOG), Managua/Leon, Nicaragua.
2018, No Tiene Nombre, Raul Quintanilla Armijo, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo y Diseno, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2021, Mesotropicos, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Panama, Panama.
Artist Statement
It’s about the search, how to understand circumstance.
The mistery of why it is.
Where it takes you and how it teaches you: reflexion and prayer.
To curb the anxiety of navigating the uncertain nothingness.
The catharsis to heal the inability to belong.
Flying myself, detaching the human skin.
Finally thru disposition and acción come to a device ( painting/object) that
comunes with everybodies flesh underneath the skin.